Dixter Fund-Raising Packs Now Ready!
Great Dixter, 8th March, 2006.
BROCHURES giving full details of The Great Dixter Charitable Trust and how individiauls can help by becming a Friend of Great Dixter are now avialable in hardcopy or downloadable forms. If you would like any hardcopy brochures, of know someone who woud like one, then please email us at friends@greatdixter.co.uk giving us your name and address and the number of packs you would like and we will send them to you.
Alternatetively, you can download a brochure here.
If you wish to become a Friend of Great Dixter by making a small monthly covenant, then please download our Covenant Form and return it to Great Dixter at the following Freepost Address: Freepost RLYL-XKCG-EZTB, The Great Dixter Charitable Trust, RYE TN31 6PH